What to expect at worship

We worship every Sunday morning at 10:00 am, and all are always welcome.

Our service usually lasts just over an hour and includes music, quiet, prayers, a children’s message, a sermon, and other seasonal elements and rituals. We share Holy Communion on the First Sunday of every month and our table is always open – we celebrate with juice and gluten-free bread and we invite all who are hungry to join us in the feast.

Our services are held in our sanctuary and are also streamed on Facebook Live. Learn more about this online offering at our online worship page.

We love children at First Church and have an active children’s ministry; children are included in all aspects of church life and are warmly welcomed in all aspects of our worship service. We love the wiggles and giggles of your little ones and do not expect them to be silent – we welcome them (and you, and everyone!) as they are. We have a beautiful Junior Choir who sings seasonally, and we have children who read scripture, chime our prayer bell, and take part in other aspects of our liturgy. 

We have a robust and gifted Senior Choir that sings most Sundays of the year, praising God with music by composers from Bach to John Rutter to our own Music Director, Debbie Owen.  Our Choir is open to all singers and we would love to have you join us! Rehearsal times are Thursday evenings 7pm and Sunday mornings at 9am.  Worship also includes music played on our 1930 Estey Organ and our 1939 Steinway Piano by our keyboard virtuoso, Oren Varess.

Our Junior and Youth Choirs offer musical selections on special occasions and holidays.

In addition to Sunday morning worship, we offer a variety of special services throughout the year, including services for holy days such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Christmas Eve. Details about special services can be found on our Upcoming Events page.

We begin most worship services by saying, whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith and of life, you are welcome here. We really mean this. You are always welcome at First Church just as you are – we would love to meet you.